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Over 35 years of passion and experience!
Making a boilie that catches fish is not that difficult, but one that structurally catches more fish and ensures continuity in your catches is another story. We have been producing carp baits to an extremely high quality standard since the 1980s and we do not compromise on this. That is one of the reasons why our baits are turned fresh for the customer.
Fresh baits, more bites!
We produce our own baits and have deliberately chosen to deliver directly to our customers. This way, we can produce the best quality baits, with the best ingredients, at a price that simply would not have been possible if we had supplied to retailers. In addition, we consider it very important that our baits can be purchased fresh by the customer.
Get in touch
We pride ourselves on customer service and technical help. We try to respond to all customer queries within 24 hours, you can contact us via our social channels. If you have an urgent query just pick up the phone and give us a call. You are also welcome in the workshop to pop in for a chat and collect your fresh bait.
Tight lines!
Herman Beekvelt
(+31) (0) 6 22 29 55 01
Jacob Elshout (speaks English)
(+31) (0) 6 39 49 79 89